HTC Desire Z Turkish version

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You can find the key codes on my previous post.

HTC Desire Z Turkish version

You can find the key codes on my previous post.


HTC Desire Z keymap Tuşları atamak

@: 215

q: 16

w: 17

e: 18

r: 19

t: 20

y: 21

u: 22

ı: 23

o: 24

p: 25

backspace: 14

tab: 15

a: 30

s: 31

d: 32

f: 33

g: 34

h: 35

k: 36

k: 37

l: 38

enter: 28

sol FN: 56

menu: 139

z: 44

x: 45

c: 46

v: 47

b: 48

n: 49

m: 50

?: 214

': 40

Sağ FN: 100

Sol Shift: 42

Search: 217

,: 51

space: 57

.: 52

Shortkey 1: 184

Shortkey 2: 185

Sağ Shift: 54

Touch Menu: 139

Touch Back: 158

Touch Search: 217

Trackpad: 0

Trackpad move: 0

Keyboard open/close: none

Camera semipress: 211

Camera full press: 212

Volume UP: 115

Volume Down: 114